FAQs for Study Abroad

Should I purchase my flight or book travel?
Students should NOT purchase their flights nor book any other travel until directed by their study abroad program director.

Should I apply for on-campus housing?
Since you are committed to studying abroad and we are moving forward with study abroad, you will be unable to apply for on-campus housing. You can do so only if your program is canceled or if you withdraw from your study abroad program.

Can I defer my acceptance to a future semester?
If your program is canceled, you may be given the option to defer your acceptance to a subsequent semester/year, provided that spaces are available.

Will I have to pay a withdrawal fee if I withdraw from my program?
A withdrawal fee will be charged unless your program is canceled. See the Study Abroad Withdrawal Policy.

If my parents are concerned, is there someone they can talk to regarding their questions?
Study Abroad staff are prepared to answer your parents’ questions. Notre Dame Global also has a full-time international travel and safety professional who is available for consultation. If you would like to schedule an appointment to go over any concerns or questions about the program, please email studyabroad@nd.edu or contact your program director directly. You may also find more information for parents on this webpage.

Can I get a visa to go abroad?
Every country's visa requirements, process, and timeline are different, and Notre Dame has no control over these factors. Acquiring a visa may take longer than usual, so you will need to work closely with your study abroad program director and be extra-diligent in the application process.

Students should be aware that you may need to incur expenses related to getting your visa and these expenses may be lost and are not refundable by Notre Dame or the agency that issued the visa in the event that a program is canceled.

Summer Programs FAQs