

Fall, Spring
Student Year
Courses Offered By
College of Arts and Letters, College of Engineering, College of Science, Keough School of Global Affairs, Mendoza College of Business

The study abroad program in Athens, Greece operates in conjunction with College Year in Athens (CYA). CYA is a non-profit educational institution which was established in 1962. It offers approximately 80 undergraduate students, mainly from North America, a unique opportunity to study in Athens, the capital of Greece, a city of four million people. Greece is situated at the confluence of three continents—Europe, Asia, and Africa. It is a country with resources which can feed many passions—for archeology, ethnography, history, etc., and also for nature with her beautiful mountains, plains, islands, and seas.

Known for its emphasis on experiential learning and outdoors exploration, the program in Athens is ideal for students who don’t speak a foreign language but would like to experience a non-English speaking environment. A range of excursions, excavations, and service learning opportunities are provided. Furthermore, students may sign up for an optional three-week immersion session in the spring semester where they can take modern Greek.

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