Luis Longorio

London, United Kingdom

Study Abroad Program: London Summer Neuroscience and Behavior

Major: Neuroscience and Behavior

College: College of Science


Campus Affiliations: Questbridge Scholars Program, Diversity Inclusion and Wellness Commissioner of Baumer Hall, Neuroscience Club, ACE Rising Student Teacher

Why did you choose this study abroad program? Being surrounded by the two very distinct and enriching cultures of Mexico and the United States from a young age has presented me with the opportunity to engage in meaningful and perspective expanding experiences. These experiences instilled a love of learning about different cultures and a motivation to seek opportunities to interact with different people and communities within these cultures. London was among the cultures and communities that caught my eye from a young age and when I learned about the Neuroscience and Behavior London Summer Program, I felt it was the perfect opportunity to immerse myself in a culture and community that I have always dreamed of exploring as well as take classes that relate to city and my love for Neuroscience.