Joshua Hamill

Jerusalem, Israel

Study Abroad Program: Jerusalem Summer

Major: Political Science and Sociology

College: College of Arts and Letters


Campus Affiliations: Glynn Family Honors Scholar, NDISC Undergraduate Fellow, MSPS Scholar, Fighting Irish Scholar, Hesburgh Democracy Fellow, SUB Representative for Siegfried Hall

Why did you choose this study abroad program? Bewildered by the Israeli-Palestinian conflict for decades now, the international community still hears reports of ongoing atrocities being reported weekly throughout the disputed districts. Looking to increase my expertise surrounding the mechanisms and byproducts behind communal strife in different regions, a state of affairs this politically perplexing stuck out like a sore thumb from the rest offered. With that being said, the Jerusalem program allows for an atypical study abroad experience; offering theological and local governmental teachings in a region that birthed all three major modern-day monotheistic religions. Attempting to uphold the College of Arts & Letters’ resolution to “study everything” with the aim to “do anything,” learning about contemporary disputes among neighboring societies under the guidance of ecclesiastical supervision is the epitome of a model Notre Dame study abroad experience to me!