Waitlist Information

Due to capacity or other reasons, we are not able to accept all qualified applicants into a study abroad program. If you have been waitlisted for a study abroad program, you still have some opportunities to be selected and should be aware of the following information:

Not all accepted students will accept their study abroad offers. When accepted students decline offers, spots become open. As openings develop, you may be offered a spot in a program. Study Abroad will be in touch with you and no further action is required on your part.

There is no ranked order on the waitlist. Each location has different considerations.

If you have been accepted by one program but wish to remain on the waitlist for another program, please be advised that once you accept the offer for a program, you are no longer on the waitlist for other academic year programs. Give careful consideration before giving up any offer.

Throughout the year, some students who have been accepted to study abroad withdraw from their programs for various reasons and the Study Abroad team will be in touch with waitlisted students when such openings become available.

If there are programs with limited spaces available, they are usually reopened for applications in mid-January. You are encouraged to check the study abroad programs page and apply if you are interested in any of the reopened programs. Decisions will be on a rolling basis and will close when the programs reach full capacity.

Notre Dame Global is committed to expanding its Study Abroad capacity. Check our website regularly for announcements about new opportunities.

Make sure you have a valid passport expiring at least six months after your anticipated program end date. You need to possess a valid passport to be considered for participation should any last minute opportunities arise.